After the previous weather cancellation, the day all of us have worked so hard to make a reality is here. The Michigan Multimedia Jobs Act is rescheduled for a House Committee on Economic Development & Small Business hearing on
Tuesday, February 6. This hearing brings us much closer to creating a film and commercial incentive in Michigan.
Please register now to join us in Lansing on Tuesday morning to attend the hearing. While we're limited in the number of people who can provide testimony, a strong showing from our community (that's you!) is significant.
Gather with supporters in the lobby at 8:30 a.m. for a message from MiFIA. We’ll then head to the 3rd floor overflow room to view the 9 a.m. hearing.
Your attendance is critical to the ultimate success of this new legislation because it shows lawmakers the bills have public support.

Space in the hearing room is limited, so PLEASE REGISTER NOW FOR THIS EVENT if you can attend.
After the hearing room fills up, a second overflow room will be available to provide viewing capabilities of the hearing. If your plans change later, please cancel your reservation at the event link found in your confirmation email.
Once you register, you'll receive more details leading up to the event.
Let's make it in Michigan!