Take Action

The new Michigan Multimedia Jobs Act (MJA) bills were reported out of their House Committee in April, 2024, and are now heading for a vote on the House floor. Now is a critical time to contact your Michigan Representative to show public support for the benefits that a multimedia program will bring to all Michiganders. We need 1000's of emails to be sent!

Learn more about the bills.

MJA features that resonate most with lawmakers:

  • It will create good-paying Michigan jobs
  • The TV commercial and corporate aspects are more attractive than film & television benefits
  • It will slow Michigan's youth brain drain

UPDATE: The MJA vote did not occur on the last day of the House summer session (Wednesday, June 26). We'll have to wait until the next session later in 2024. Keep sending those emails below!

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Please send a personalized message, but don't overthink it. Representatives consider the quantity of messages in support, not so much the quality of the message. The most important thing is to send the message! 

We'll take you through the steps to make this easy!

Step 1

Add your address, name, and email address to the form.

NOTE: This form uses Google Maps to find your address. Please allow the autocompletion to work.

Step 2

Share your own perspective about how more film, TV, corporate video, commercial, or music work will positively impact you and your family/community. Remember, this is a Jobs Bill that benefits Michiganders and small businesses. Please be brief.

Write your own note or copy/paste/modify one of the sample messages listed here.

Start typing in the MESSAGE TEXT box after "Dear [Recipient’s Name]:" (Recipient's Name will be replace by your Rep's name).

Step 3

When you click Send, you'll contact your Michigan Representative. Note that all smart fields (like Recipient's Name, District, etc.) will be automatically populated when the email is sent.

Step 4

SHARE this action! Sharing options will be available after you send the email.

This is how we get this done.


Use these as idea starters - or simply copy/paste and modify them with your perspective. Keep it brief.

Crew Perspective
As a seasoned lighting technician, my years of experience have seen me light up sets from Detroit to Traverse City. However, it's difficult for projects to compete with other states. I've had to leave Michigan to find work. It's an agonizing decision - leaving my home, my family, and my community just to pursue my passion. But with the passage of the Multimedia Jobs Act, Michigan crew members like me can return to the Mitten State, reignite our careers, and invigorate the local economy with our specialized talents. Please support the Multimedia Jobs Act.

Small Business Perspective
Our family-run cafe in Grand Rapids has served as an unofficial gathering spot for film crews and actors over the years. The laughter, camaraderie, and tales of on-set adventures brought a unique charm to our place. But, as production dwindled, so did our business. The Multimedia Jobs Act can bring those golden days back, not just for our cafe but for countless Michigan businesses whose livelihoods are intertwined with the fortunes of the multimedia industry. Please support the Multimedia Jobs Act.

Resident Perspective
Growing up in Detroit, I remember the buzz in our neighborhood when a film crew rolled in. Seeing our city on the big screen, portrayed in its myriad hues, was a matter of pride. These productions weren't just creating jobs, they were telling our stories. With the Multimedia Jobs Act, we can bring those storytellers back to Michigan and reclaim our narrative. Please support the Multimedia Jobs Act.

Parent Perspective
My daughter will graduate from Michigan State in the next year with a degree in tv/film. I would love her to stay here in Michigan. The Multimedia Jobs Act will provide the exact kinds of jobs that she wants to pursue. Other states like Illinois, Georgia, and California have similar programs (there are 41 other states with incentives), and I would hate to see her move away to follow her dream when she could do it in Michigan. Please support the Multimedia Jobs Act.

Student Perspective
I'm a junior at Central Michigan University studying film production. I can see myself on set one day directing commercials or a movie. I love Michigan but know that most of the jobs in my chosen field are in states with incentives for production, but I would much rather stay here in Michigan when I graduate. The MJA will bring productions to Michigan that would have been filmed elsewhere and hire people just like me who are starting out their careers. Please support the Multimedia Jobs Act.

Tourism Official Perspective
Michigan is a state of untapped potential - our lush forests, vibrant cities, and historical landmarks are waiting for their close-ups. When a movie or TV show films here, we see a spike in tourism. People want to walk in the footsteps of their favorite characters, and that creates jobs and stimulates our local economies. The Multimedia Jobs Act can showcase the charm and diversity of Michigan, turning our state into a must-visit destination. Please support the Multimedia Jobs Act.

Chamber of Commerce Perspective
The Lansing Chamber of Commerce recognizes the profound ripple effect the multimedia industry has on our economy. From hospitality to retail, transportation to construction, multimedia productions have the potential to spur growth in a wide range of sectors. The Multimedia Jobs Act is an investment in Michigan's future, a chance to diversify our economy and bring about sustainable development across the state. Please support the Multimedia Jobs Act.

Michigan Film Industry Association (MiFIA)
117 E Kalamazoo St

Lansing, MI 48933

(517) 580 - 7710


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