MiFIA Gets to Work in Lansing

Wednesday, March 30, 2022 12:56 PM | Anonymous

The MiFIA team, along with lobbyist Brendan Ringlever visited Rep. Wendzel, R-Watervilet, who serves as chair of the House Commerce and Tourism Committee, the first stop for MiFIA’s House Bills 5274-75. MiFIA provided important insights and spoke of the need for Michigan to join 40 other U.S. states with film incentive programs. Rep. Wendzel encouraged a committee hearing on the bills in April/early May.

MiFIA Board in Lansing with Rep. Jack O'Malley

MiFIA Board in Lansing with Rep. Jack O'Malley (third from left)

MiFIA joined two of our four film incentive bill sponsors, Rep. Kyra Bolden, D-Southfield, and Sen. Adam Hollier, D-Detroit, to share several spring MiFIA events across Michigan in April and May and the timing of committee hearings, floor action and enactment. 

MiFIA met with Sen. Ken Horn, R-Frankenmuth, chair of the Senate Small Business and Economic Development Committee where our Senate Bills 862-63 await a hearing.  We shared movie memories, including movies filmed in his iconic town, and the significant impact of film making for communities. Sen. Horn supported the first film credit and encouraged us to schedule a hearing in his committee this spring.

The MiFIA team enjoyed dinner with film incentive bill sponsor Rep. Jack O’Malley, R-Lake Ann, to share Capitol Day takeaways while Rep. O’Malley reflected on the work that lies ahead of us. We know that our determination is steadfast and industry support unwavering. The Michigan film industry stands united in the knowledge that a film program will help our great state when it needs us most.

Michigan Film Industry Association (MiFIA)
117 E Kalamazoo St

Lansing, MI 48933

(517) 580 - 7710


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